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Working together towards better retirement outcomes for members.

It is vital that members understand the importance of accumulating enough money for retirement. At Sanlam we help responsible employers and intermediaries to work together with members to secure a bright financial future for all members.


The Sanlam Umbrella Fund is a multi-employer pension savings vehicle to businesses. It provides a structure for employers to offer their employees a flexible retirement savings and insured benefits package.


The Sanlam Easy Retirement Plan offers the small business and home employees a choice of plans, all of which have their own benefit structure.


At Sanlam, retirement fund administration is far more than collecting contributions and paying benefits. For us, it is about treating our clients’ life earnings with the respect it deserves, because we know what has gone into earning it.


Simeka Consultants & Actuaries provides independent, tailor-made consulting and actuarial solutions and services to trustees and employees relating to their employee benefit arrangement.


The annual Sanlam Benchmark is where the expert findings and insights relating to Sanlam Corporate's Benchmark Survey are delivered.


Sanlam Employee Benefits’ Individual Member Support offers a number of services. Product flexibility allows trustees to structure a service suitable to their fund’s membership requirements.

The ultimate aim is not only to assist trustees with complying with the Retirement Benefits Counselling requirements of the Default Regulations, but through improved member engagement, assist members to make good decisions and ultimately improve their retirement outcomes.


Retirement Fund Web (RFW) – this online tool provides retirement funds, which are administered by Sanlam Employee Benefits, access to state-of-the-art administration processes and member communication. RFW enables clients to streamline their administration, eliminate unnecessary paperwork and have instant access to member information.

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