Financial fidelity. Issues to do with credit/debit cards, loans, investments, income, in-laws, friends and spending habits have to come out of the box now. If you are an addicted gambler this is a good time to admit and tell. Revealing past credit problems, bad habits and good ones too will allow you to work together as a couple now, during and after. Anything left out is bound to cause a conflict between. Create a system that works best for you. Achieving short-term and long-term financial goals requires a money management strategy that fits your needs. Work together to arrive at a system you both can live with. Will you have one account or two? What are your financial obligations? How much can you afford to save each month? Which insurance package do you prefer? During the wedding planning, negotiate for the best deals from the wedding vendors if possible use talented friends to cut costs. For example use a friend who loves baking to bake the wedding cake or a musician to entertain the crowd, however choose wisely to avoid last minute let downs and broken friendships after. The key to a successful marriage, financially speaking, is to establish a clear game plan and stick to it.