Tax Implications
Tax-exempt status of pre-March 1998 fund build-up in public sector funds
Currently, these benefits retain their tax-exempt status upon transfer to a private sector fund. Government proposes that this tax-exempt status be retained on subsequent transfers to funds.
Time limit to join an employer umbrella fund
Currently, existing employees who do not join a newly established employer umbrella fund have 12 months within which to join the fund, after which they are unable to join. It is proposed that the 12-month limit be removed and that employees be allowed to join without time restriction, subject to the rules of the fund.
Application of the cap on deductible retirement fund contributions
It is currently not clear how the overall annual cap of R350 000 on contributions to pension, provident and retirement annuity funds should be applied when determining monthly employees’ tax. It is proposed that the amount of R350 000 be spread over the tax year, which is a more prudent approach.
Donations tax
Donations tax remains unchanged at 20%, with the first R100 000 being tax-free. Donations between spouses remain exempt.
Dividend withholding tax
Dividend income paid to shareholders is taxed at a rate of 15%. After accounting for company tax, which is paid before a distribution of dividends, the combined statutory tax rate on dividends is 38.8%, which is lower than the averages in Europe.
To reduce the difference between the combined statutory tax rate on dividends and the top marginal personal income tax rate, government is increasing the dividend withholding tax rate to 20%, effective 22 February 2017.
The exemption and rates for inbound foreign dividends will also be adjusted in line with the new rate, effective for years of assessment commencing on or after 1 March 2017.
Withholding tax on immovable property sales
To align with the increased effective capital gains tax rate, government proposes to increase the withholding tax on immovable property sales by non-residents. Rates will be increased from 5% to 7.5% for individuals, 7.5% to 10% for companies and 10% to 15% for trusts.