For the first time ever, there were three joint winners for the Best Newcomer Award. The judges’ citation noted that the awards were this year blessed with entries of the highest quality from emerging African reporters. They were Abdulkareem Mojeed of Nigeria’s
Premium Times, Ephraim Modise of the Nigerian based online title
TechCabal, and Innocent Samuel Muhindo of The Observer in Uganda.
“Each journalist brought not simply youth, but also great reporting and writing skills to the field of financial journalism in Africa,” said Kariithi.
The Lifetime Achievement Award was awarded to Siki Mgabadeli, a respected veteran financial journalist with a career spanning over 19 years, including reporting, TV anchoring and radio presenting roles at South Africa’s leading financial news organisations and the public broadcaster.
Commenting on the achievement of the winners, Kariithi said, “It was most encouraging to receive not only a record number of submissions, but also entries that were of a high standard. We are also seeing the entry of new, young reporters into the field who bring fresh perspectives, drive and energy to reporting on business for diverse audiences. This can only serve in the best interests for the further development of financial journalism in Africa.”
As chair of the independent judging panel, Kariithi, was joined by Angela Agoawike, Media Practitioner (Nigeria), Emily May Brown, Media Studies Academic (Namibia), Freddie Rayborn Bulley, Financial Journalism Trainer (Ghana), Ylva Rodny Gumede, Media Studies and International Relations Scholar (South Africa), Tom Indimuli, Communications Advisor (Kenya), Ulrich Joubert, Independent Economist (South Africa), Aggie Asiimwe Konde, Chartered Marketer, CIM Fellow and ESG Advisor (Uganda), Charles Naudé, Retired Editor (South Africa) and Musa Zondi, Communications/Freelance Business Writer (South Africa).