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You get a guaranteed number of retirement income units for as long as you live. The value of the units is linked to the performance of an underlying investment portfolio, which means it has the potential to grow in line with market returns.
Minimum contribution
R250 000 lump sum
How long you invest for
For life.
Freedom to move your money
You cannot move your investment to any other post-retirement product or to a new policyholder while you are still alive.
Freedom to change your choice
You have total freedom to change your underlying investments. There is no charge to make a change, but depending on where you move your money to, initial investment charges may apply.
Your investment choices
Access to a range of investment choices:
How it works
When you die
To ensure that the income continues to be paid to your loved ones after your death, you have the option to select a second life insured and/or to select a guaranteed income payment term.
Your income is still payable into a South African bank account.
You pay income tax on your total income according to Pay As You Earn scales or the fixed tax rate as specified in a valid SARS tax directive. We will calculate and deduct tax and pay it over to SARS on your behalf. No tax is levied on interest or dividends.
Fees vary per product and your underlying investment. Please speak to your financial adviser to make sure you pay the correct fees and that you understand which fees you pay and why.
Why get financial advice
It is important to bear in mind that any investment has some risk. We therefore recommend that you consult a financial adviser who can help you find the most appropriate products for your needs and circumstances.
Learn more about Glacier and our Investment Linked Lifetime Annuity in this clip.