If you’re invested in market-linked portfolios
Over the short term, you’ll probably experience negative returns. But don’t panic: history shows that markets recover over the medium to long term. History has also taught us that, in time, there will be recovery in the financial markets.
If you’re invested in retirement funds
Retirement fund portfolios are spread across various asset classes, such as bonds, property, cash and international assets, to reduce underlying risk. Your retirement savings are also protected (but not guaranteed) by the limitations of exposure to asset classes enforced by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act. This helps by diversifying your portfolio. The most important Regulation 28 asset class limits are as follows:
- Equity 75%
- Listed property 25%
- Offshore assets 30%*
- Hedge funds 10%
*As prescribed by the South African Reserve Bank.
If you’re invested in a lifetime investment option, your monies are gradually moved from high-risk portfolios to lower-risk portfolios as from 6 years before your normal retirement date. Lower-risk portfolios have less equity exposure, which reduces the impact of the falling markets.
Please consult with a financial planner before you take any action regarding your savings and investments