Trustee-managed Investment Funds | Sanlam Umbrella Fund
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The Trustees of the Fund

The Sanlam Umbrella Fund is managed by a board of six trustees – three of which are appointed by Sanlam, and the remaining three elected by the member representatives from a panel of suitably qualified independent industry professionals.

Having equal representation on the Board of Trustees the members of the fund are represented by the independent trustees they’ve elected. Every three years, members are entitled to elect 50% of the full Board of Trustees from a list of industry specialists who have the knowledge, training and independence to protect members against any possible conflict of interest.

Who are the trustees of the Fund?

Sponsor Appointed Trustees:

  • David Gluckman (Chairman)
  • Yvette Harris
  • Mkuseli Mbomvu

Independent Trustees:

  • Cheryl Mestern
  • Grant Base
  • Caron Harris

Alternate Independent Trustee:

  • Jolly Mokorosi

The Sponsor:

  • Sanlam Ltd

Fund Officers

A professional Principal Officer (Joelene Moodley), supported by a Deputy Principal Officer (Blake Beilings), manages the day-to-day operations of the Sanlam Umbrella Fund’s governance and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. Shamiega Manuels is the Head Fund Secretariat.

SUF Trustees’ Profiles

Annual General Meeting

The Fund’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held each year.

All Joint Forum representatives (comprising participating employer and member representatives) and all Contracted Benefit Consultants are invited to this event. The trustees and the sponsor attend these sessions to talk face to face and summarise the key achievements to date as well as the plans going forward. Clients also have the opportunity to question the trustees and the sponsor on all aspects of the Sanlam Umbrella Fund.

SUF Trustee Report




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