The projected Wealth Bonus is based on average assumptions. This projection is not guaranteed and should not be seen as an accurate forecast in any sense. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. When the economy is underperforming, investment returns are likely to be low. Be wary of buying any financial product based on a forecast or illustration.
These are the assumptions we make, per product, to calculate the projected value of your Wealth Bonus.
The retirement plan projection assumes a retirement age of 60 and an annual payment increase of 5%. The Wealth Bonus projection assumes a growth rate of 4.5%.
The endowment projection assumes that the fund growth will track the Sanlam Investment Management Balanced Fund with an assumed investment return of 5.5%, over an investment term of 15 years.
Wealth Bonus projections for risk products assumes a growth rate of 4.5% per annum. The actual growth rate will be based on market related interest. It also assumes that premiums increase by 6% annually and that no available funds are withdrawn until age 70.
Wealth Bonus projections for the funeral cover assumes a growth rate of 4.5% per annum. The actual growth rate will be based on market related interest. It also assumes that premiums increase by 5% annually after 1 year and that no available funds are withdrawn until age 70.