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Two-pot withdrawals

We're experiencing high traffic and call volumes related to two-pot which are impacting our services. You may experience delays. We're actively working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.


Contact Us

We're experiencing high traffic and call volumes related to two-pot which are impacting our services. You may experience delays. We're actively working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

We are here to assist you with any financial advice, claims or policy-related queries or concerns that you may have.

Make use of our WhatsApp self-service

0860 726 526

You may request any of the following:

  1. Tax certificates
  2. Benefits and value statements
  3. Payment information statements
  4. Request/s tracking
  5. Contact details changes
  6. Forms
  7. Claim information
  8. Recent SARS changes for annuity income
  9. Two-Pot Retirement System

We are here to assist with any queries, financial advice
or concerns you may have.

0860 726 526

+27 21 916 5000 (International)
Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00.

Complete the form below and we will contact you.

Everything You Need to Know About Our WhatsApp Self-service

Use WhatsApp to access your information, manage your portfolio and make changes to your profile wherever you are.

How it works

  • Open WhatsApp to chat with us on your computer, or scan the QR code to add Sanlam as a contact
  • Say “Hi” to us in the WhatsApp chat to start the conversation
  • Follow the prompts to complete your request
  • Open WhatsApp to chat with us, or add Sanlam as a contact using 0860 726 526
  • Say “Hi” to us in the WhatsApp chat to start the conversation
  • Follow the prompts to complete your request

The financial world attracts plenty of bad people looking to take advantage of good people like you. Sanlam urges you to constantly be on the lookout for suspicious emails and messages, and tread lightly around potential scam artists who claim to be affiliated with us. Before you open or respond to an email or WhatsApp or SMS, ensure that you can trust the sender; and that correspondence is truly from Sanlam. Should you receive a loan offer, investment opportunity or any piece of Sanlam communication that makes you feel uneasy, please contact our customer care team before you respond. If you suspect that you have received a fraudulent offer, report it.

Head Office

Tel: (021) 947-9111
+27 21 947-9111 (International)

Street address

Sanlam Head Office
2 Strand Road
Bellville, South Africa


PO Box 1
Sanlamhof, 7532

GPS coordinates 33"45'09.77S 18"38'28.32E

Sanlam Alice Lane

Tel: (011) 778-6000
+27 11 778-6000 (International)

Should you require customer service, please contact our client care team.

Street address

Building 2
11 Alice Lane
Sandton, South Africa


Private Bag X137,
Halfway House, 1652

GPS coordinates 26"06'27.7S 28"03'01.5E

Retail Branches

Sanlam has retail branches across the country where we offer:

  • Assistance with policy queries
  • Assistance with claims
  • Financial advice

Find an urban retail branch

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