We all know we should save for our future, whether it’s for retirement, our kids’ education or a rainy day. But why is it so hard to stay committed to good savings?
We live in a consumerist world where it’s easy to get swept up by constant urges to have what others have – always being on the hunt for the next big thing,” says Kenosi Magosha, Head: Client Solutions Savings.
“We spend money on these ‘wants’ first and savings last because spending is instant, visible and tangible. But the only way to make savings work for you, is to pay yourself first, not last, otherwise you’ll never have any money left over for future goals and opportunities.”
Self-care vs. self-sabotage
“Your future is just as important as the bills you have to pay now. ‘Future you’ also deserves to be looked after. Think of saving money as a method of self-care. You are affording yourself opportunities in the future, whether it’s to start a business or to live comfortably when you can no longer earn a salary. If you don’t save, you’re actually limiting yourself. Don’t sabotage your own future.”
What is ‘pay yourself first’?
Paying yourself first is one of the oldest rules of personal finance. As soon as your salary hits your account and you start paying bills, you should set money aside for savings or paying debt. How you pay yourself depends on you – it can be a percentage of your salary or a small amount.
Magosha warns about a ‘giving mentality’. “Giving to others instead of ourselves gives us an immediate emotional benefit of feeling appreciated. But if we channel this generosity into our own savings, we can provide for others for years to come.”
Four steps to ‘paying yourself first’
- Invest in ‘future you’
‘Future you’ deserves to be paid as much as the school fees, the phone bill and the alarm company. By paying yourself first, you’re mentally establishing saving as a priority. Setting aside money each month to grow your harvest of the future, so to speak, is empowering. It will help you maintain and improve your lifestyle over time.
How to do it: Relook your budget so you know exactly what’s coming in and going out, and so that you can list yourself as a bill with your other expenses. “Automate this payment as much as possible, whether it’s a contribution to retirement savings going off before you get your salary, or a monthly direct debit,” suggests Magosha.