Pays if you’re booked off sick for at least seven days and provides an additional payout if you’re hospitalised for at least four days.
Pays if you become disabled while you’re studying and are unable to ever work in the occupation you’ve been studying toward or one in line with your education, training and experience. When you start working, this cover pays if you are unable to work because of an illness or injury. It also pays for certain disabilities and illnesses that affect your lifestyle, even if you can still study or work.
Pays for more than 300 illnesses and injuries across all body systems, including early cancers and accidental HIV infection.
Pays in the event of your death. You decide beforehand who the money should go to.
Terms and conditions apply. A claim will only be considered if the life insured meets the contractual claim event definition of the claim event in question, as well as any other contractual requirements, as set out in the applicable contract documents.