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This enables employers to positively impact on their employees’ financial wellness through packaged, flexible retirement savings and insured benefits that allow them to build and protect wealth.
Most employees find themselves in a context characterised by poor decision making, high costs, low savings levels and consumption-driven debt.
Sanlam is able to do more than just provide a cost efficient infrastructure through which employers can help their employees to accumulate retirement wealth. We understand the challenges of the context in which we operate – challenges that arise from the pressures of leading a company through an uncharted economic environment whilst simultaneously trying to cater for the retirement funding needs of your employees.
We use the insights gained from our annual Sanlam Benchmark* research to make it easy for you to help your employees to move towards good retirement outcomes.
Our research and the solutions to enable good retirement outcomes are driven by our leading edge capability to analyse data and to marry our insight with practical executions. A capability that is focused on enabling employers to tangibly improve the financial wellness of their workforce.
*The Sanlam Benchmark Symposium unpacks the results of Sanlam’s comprehensive research into retirement in South Africa. The research provides data which assists employers, trustees, principal officers and benefit consultants with the design of employee benefit structures and has been doing so for more than 30 years. It also outlines the state of retirement in South Africa, including our low savings rate, retirement reform and increasing longevity. Find details at